Flipkart retailed merchandise worth fresh than USD 1 Billion during the moneybags-related span 2013-14 and has a patron base of fresh than2.6 a crore enrolled patrons. Flipkart right now transports more than 50 lakhs shipments every month and produces fresh than 80 lakh day by day messenger visits. In this manner, there’s an enormous business open door for the objects who offer on Flipkart by turning into a Flipkart tradesman. In this paper, we look at how to end up a Flipkart tradesman and offer on Flipkart.
Flipkart is one of the largest online trade in India. Started by Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal, both of IIT, in 2007. Flipkart has grown by springs and bounds and its Big Billion trade is a momentous anticipated event. A strong of accession is circumscribed by that of eBay in 2017 and its earnings exceed Rs 15260 crores.
How To Sell On Flipkart – Step By Step
1.) Business Registration On Flipkart
All these primary needfuls are necessary if you wish to apply for Flipkart merchandiser registry and start a Flipkart merchandiser account in order to retail products on Flipkart you commence the given process where we show you how to retail on Flipkart.
Retailing on Flipkart as an Individual or Sole Proprietorship
When an individual person wants to retail his/ her product on Flipkart using his/ her own name and legal standing. We perceive this type of business to be a sole enjoyment and this sole enjoyment type of business doesn’t enable limited liability protection to its apostle, hence it’s a sole enjoyment a business can not have investors or not yea any consorts, to pass the transfer rights is also a delicate process yea getting bank loans is too consequential hustle hence if you want your business to run fluently coming to a broker on Flipkart will be a great option while using your commodity as a sole holder. You just need to submit the following documents
Identity Confirmation
: A protestation published on the letterhead which should be subscribed and it’s should state that you as an individual owns and manages the bank account of your business.
: You must register a statement of bank reason on the Flipkart payment gateway.
: Visage Card
: Passport
: Driving License
: Deciders ID
: Any other snapshot identity card
: Letter from an honored Public Authority or Public Slavey validating identity.
Address Validation
: Telephone bill ( Fixed line) in the name of the Dispossession interest
: Share card
: Electricity bill in the name of the Dominion enterprise
: Letter from Employer
: Bank Account Statement in the name of the Proprietorship
: Lease or license agreement
: Letter from a feted Public Authority or Public Daily attesting identity.
Vending on Flipkart as a Private Limited Company
When you want to vend his/ her product on Flipkart as a private limited company, enables limited liability protection to its supporter, with a separate legal substance, yea to pass the transfer rights is a simple process, this also gives competency to add investors or consorts to gauge up your operations. This is one of the most preferred forms you just need to submit the following documents.
Identity Substantiation
: Certificate Copy of Incorporation of Private Limited Company
: Copy of Memorandum of Association
: Company Countenance Card
Address Proof
: Company Electricity bill
: Company Telephone bill ( Fixed line)
: Lease or rental agreement
Vending on Flipkart as an LLP/ Partnership Interest
You can vend on Flipkart yea as a Partnership interest. We recommend registering an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) when you’re subscribing up on Flipkart as a vendor as this way is more preferable due to its limited liability protection, easy transferability, being a separate legal something. The documents took to waxed a Flipkart vendor a given below.
Identity Validation
: LLP Incorporation Certificate or Partnership registry
: Partnership deed
: Power of Attorney granted to a Partner or a Jobholder of the LLP or Partnership enterprise to swap business on its behalf
: Any document correlating Mates and the person holding the Power of Attorney with their prints
: Face Card of the LLP or Partnership Enterprise
Address Substantiation
: Any authorized valid document authenticating the address of the Consorts and the persons holding the Power of Attorney
: Firm/ Partner’s Telephone bill
: Firm/ Partner’s Electricity bill
: Company Electricity bill
: Lease or Deposit agreement
: Lease or License agreement
Selling on Flipkart as a Trust & Foundation
If you’re a Trust or a Foundation you can also grow merchandisers on Flipkart. You just need to submit documents likewise as such documents you must give in the name of the Trust or Foundation to incorporate as the legal identity of the Trust or Foundation with the address of the Trust or Foundation.
Firstly, confirm your Personalized Contact Details, Business Contact Details, Account Details, etc. in order to list your products on Flipkart.
2.) Listing Of Products On Flipkart
Listing on Flipkart is relatively easier compared to other online marketplaces when you wish to sell on Flipkart. Flipkart has a self-service portal. You must have at least ten products to list and sell on Flipkart. You can keep photos of products ready and upload the images along with text and price information. Select the right category for your product.
3.) Dashboard-Where All The Product Are Managed
Once Flipkart merchandiser registry, listing products have been uploaded you can start retailing on Flipkart. Flipkart provides a dashboard to control all operations. Flipkart also provides preferences and advertising as well as sensible support, so you’ll be good to know that which product is doing well in terms of prices and other factors. The dashboard allows you to change all the details, for prototype-pricing, pellet point, description, etc. but you won’t change your title if your roll will be modernized and you won’t change your MRP as well.
4.) Shipping And Logistics Of Products By Flipkart
Start a Flipkart merchandiser account and you get the benefit of shipping and logistics support. Flipkart has tie-ups with couriers that will pick up parcels and deliver them throughout India. They yea give packaging support and paraphernalia as well as training. Once an order is entered, the merchandiser packs the product and ready it for boatload. The logistics mate picks it up for onward transmission. Please note, Flipkart doesn’t give bumper paraphernalia. Merchandisers have to make their own arrangements. It’s easy to retail on Flipkart and keel because they’ve 200 picks up cynosures and delivery manpower.
5.) Fulfillment Of Orders On Flipkart
It involves enter new orders and retail your product at their destination. This includes some routes which are given below-
: Enter new orders from a purchaser and confirm them.
: Pack that order by adding a parcel marker account and keep it ready for dispatch.
: Dispatching of that order by making it’s Ready to Dispatch’on the door.
: Downloading the lading to guarantee that you give the parcel according to the lading to our collaborations consort during pick up.
: Following orders until they’re conveyed to your purchasers.
New brokers start off as category 2 brokers. After operating for a month and fulfilling 30 deals they can move to category 1 echelon. The account complaint agreement rate also determines to position and if a category 1 broker defaults he could be downgraded to category 2. Category 1 brokers get payment anteriorly, within 5 days from dispatch whereas category 2 brokers get payment in 10 days after dispatch. In any case, they’ve to follow a set of rules for order fulfillment.
Fulfillment depends on the type displayed and chose. Flipkart sells products after bagging them from brokers in their advantage program. In the standard delivery mode, a shipper must pack and keep details prepared using accouterments supplied by Flipkart, carrying the Flipkart emblem.
6.) Get Payments Of Orders On Flipkart
Payment for a product dealt is gathered by Flipkart and transferred to the dealer within seven days of the trade taking place. Flipkart charges a small commission on each trade.
Return Policy Of Flipkart
One of the good personality is that make Flipkart so popular by its easy return policy in which patrons can return any product, yea if there was no problem but it may spell more cost for the vendor. Notwithstanding, if the product is returned due to any reason, Flipkart doesn’t charge the merchandiser for any shipping cost and they also bear the cost of the product if it’s damaged in turn. Exchange of product doesn’t make you liable for posterior shipping figure, notwithstanding
These are some points that will help you guys to understand how to sell on Flipkart, to know more about e-commerces or you can visit our website.
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